
Showing posts from June, 2022

Pensacola DSA Statement on Defending Abortion Rights

  The Pensacola chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America strongly condemns the Supreme Court ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization . This regressive ruling targets the right to privacy and bodily autonomy that has been protected under Roe v. Wade for the last fifty years and allows individual states to ban abortion entirely. At this time, thirteen states have trigger laws in place to ban abortion immediately and thirteen more are expected to follow. The far right wing of the Supreme Court, most of whom were appointed by a president who lost the popular vote, has demonstrated beyond all debate that they are an illegitimate institution, more focused on forcing the American people to bend to their personal ideologies than on following the will of the people they serve. Just this month, the Court has weakened the separation between church and state through Carso v. Makin ; ruled against a 108-year-old NY law limiting concealed carry of guns in New York State R

June Education Night: The Fight for Abortion in the 1970s

Before the abortion clinic bombings of the nineties, before the anti-feminist political backlash of the eighties, before the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, feminists fought for abortion both covertly and publicly. Some through organizing mutual aid networks like the Jane Collective, while others in legal challenges against state abortion prohibitions like Women Versus Connecticut. On our education night for June we’ll discuss these important groups and how feminist resistance of the past can inform present and future struggles. It will take place on Tuesday, June 7 at 7pm (CT) on zoom. Our two readings are: Genevieve Carlton, “ Inside The Jane Collective, The Underground Abortion Network That Helped Thousands Of Chicago Women Before Roe V. Wade ,” All That’s Interesting (2022). Women Versus Connecticut, “ Women vs. Connecticut Organizing Pamphlet ” hosted by History is a Weapon (1970). If you can’t read the text before the meeting, we’d still love to have you! Someone will summariz